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Report of Thorough Examination Content

What information is a Report of Thorough Examination legally required to contain?

The information contained within a Report of Thorough Examination should meet the requirements of Schedule 1 of the Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 1998.  

The requirements of Schedule 1 are set out below and ALLMI’s template documentation issued to its accredited Thorough Examiners reflects this. If you have been issued with a Report of Thorough Examination which does not contain this information, or if you have any other queries or concerns in relation to this subject, then please contact ALLMI for further advice.    

Schedule 1 of LOLER:


1. The name and address of the employer for whom the thorough examination was made.


2. The address of the premises at which the thorough examination was made.


3. Particulars sufficient to identify the equipment, including where known its date of manufacture.


4. The date of the last thorough examination.


5. The safe working load of the lifting equipment or (where its safe working load depends on the configuration of the lifting equipment) its safe working load for the last configuration in which it was thoroughly examined.


6. In relation to the first thorough examination of lifting equipment after installation or after assembly at a new site or in a new location -



(a) that it is such thorough examination;



(b) (if such be the case) that it has been installed correctly and would be safe to operate.


7. In relation to a thorough examination of lifting equipment other than a thorough examination to which paragraph 6 relates -



(a) whether it is a thorough examination -




(i) within an interval of 6 months under regulation 9(3)(a)(i);




(ii) within an interval of 12 months under regulation 9(3)(a)(ii);




(iii) in accordance with an examination scheme under regulation 9(3)(a)(iii); or




(iv) after the occurrence of exceptional circumstances under regulation 9(3)(a)(iv);



(b) (if such be the case) that the lifting equipment would be safe to operate.


8. In relation to every thorough examination of lifting equipment -



(a) identification of any part found to have a defect which is or could become a danger to persons, and a description of the defect;



(b) particulars of any repair, renewal or alteration required to remedy a defect found to be a danger to persons;



(c) in the case of a defect which is not yet but could become a danger to persons -




(i) the time by which it could become such a danger;




(ii) particulars of any repair, renewal or alteration required to remedy it;



(d) the latest date by which the next thorough examination must be carried out;



(e) where the thorough examination included testing, particulars of any test;



(f) the date of the thorough examination.


9. The name, address and qualifications of the person making the report; that he is self-employed or, if employed, the name and address of his employer.


10. The name and address of a person signing or authenticating the report on behalf of its author.


11. The date of the report.