Thorough Examiner Competency
Who can be considered competent to carry out a Thorough Examination?
The LOLER ACoP defines a competent person as having “such appropriate practical and theoretical knowledge and experience of the lifting equipment to be thoroughly examined as will enable them to detect defects or weaknesses and to assess their importance in relation to the safety and continued use of the lifting equipment.”
Practical Knowledge: This translates as 'hands-on' knowledge and experience of the safe operation, repair methods, common faults and / or product foibles of the machine being examined. Theoretical Knowledge: Knowledge of the relevant legislation and standards; knowledge / experience of the associated hydraulic, mechanical and electrical / safety systems, as well as calculations relating to test loads and calibration parameters. |
ALLMI CEO, Tom Wakefield, comments “ALLMI works hard to continually highlight the importance and legal requirement for Thorough Examinations to be carried out only by engineers who are correctly trained and competent. We’ve always said that one of the most effective ways for fleet owners to be confident of receiving this level of service is to use an ALLMI Accredited Thorough Examiner from an ALLMI member company, and these engineers are listed on our website as part of their employer’s profile.”
Please click here to find your local ALLMI service company member, or here for information on ALLMI’s Thorough Examiner course.