To order a replacement card / certificate, please send a cheque or Postal Order to ALLMI's registered office (address below). This must be made payable to 'ALLMI Ltd'. The cost is £13.14 (incl. VAT) for a card or certificate, or £26.28 for both. Please include a covering note containing the following details:
Credit card payments are not accepted.
You can order a replacement card and / or certificate directly from ALLMI.
To order a replacement card / certificate, please send a cheque or Postal Order to ALLMI's registered office (address above). This must be made payable to 'ALLMI Ltd'. The cost is £13.14 (incl. VAT) for a card or certificate, or £26.28 for both. Please include a covering note containing the following details:
Credit card payments are not accepted.
Please click here for details of the ALLMI lorry loader categories.
It is not a legal requirement to hold an operator qualification for lorry loaders. However, it is a legal requirement to be trained and competent in the use of the equipment being operated. One of the most effective ways to demonstrate that quality operator training has been undertaken is to carry the ALLMI card. The ALLMI card is widely regarded as the most recognised operator qualification in the lorry loader industry and ALLMI instructors deliver the highest standard of training within this specialist area. Many sites will ask for the ALLMI card and so without one you may find it difficult to gain access.
No. If you have been trained / tested on a hook attachment then the course introduces you to very basic slinging and signalling principles, but it is made clear during the training that a separate slinger / signaller course will need to be attended in order to be proficient in this area. For information on the ALLMI slinger / signaller course, please click here.
What if I'm only slinging my own loads?
The ALLMI lorry loader course on its own does not qualify you to sling your own loads.
However, depending on the number of different loads you are slinging in your job (e.g. it might be the same load day in, day out) and depending on the complexity of those slinging operations (e.g. you might just be connecting chains to some dedicated lifting points on a load), then it may be that your employer considers an additional or full blown slinger / signaller course as being more than you need. In such cases, the employer might choose to build upon the basics shown in the ALLMI course with some in-house training of their own, which would relate to the load(s) being dealt with by the company. However, it is the employer's responsibility to ensure that this is performed in the correct manner and that it is documented properly. This should include the provision of a safe system of work for the slinging method for each type of load, a record of what in-house training you have received and when it was given.
Please note: it might still be the case that a site will want to see the slinger / signaller category on your card, even if you have been trained internally and you are only carrying out extremely limited slinger duties.
ALLMI typically produces cards / certificates within five to seven working days of receiving the training paperwork from the accrediting training provider (the company that delivered your training). Therefore, if you have been waiting for your card / certificate for significantly longer than that then we would suggest that you contact the training provider directly to establish the reason for the delay. Click here for a full list of ALLMI training providers, together with their contact details.
Lorry loader and slinger / signaller courses are not delivered by ALLMI directly, but rather they are supplied by a network of accredited training providers. It is the training providers that you will need to contact in order to obtain information on availability and cost. Click here for a full list of ALLMI training providers and please ensure that you use the 'Training Provider Search' facility on the right hand side of the page.
Your ALLMI lorry loader card will state the categories for which you are qualified, e.g. C5 denotes that you are qualified to operate a lorry loader with a rated capacity of up to 20TM, with a brick grab attachment. If you then wish to use a different attachment (e.g. a hook) or a lorry loader of a greater rated capacity, then Conversion training must take place. Conversion training will provide the required training and assessments to enable you to add further categories to your ALLMI card. Conversion training can be delivered by any ALLMI accredited training provider – please click here for a full list (please ensure that you use the 'Training Provider Search' facility).
Does the extra category have to be stated on my ALLMI card in order for me to use that equipment?
It is not a legal requirement to have the category stated on your card. The legal requirement is for you to be trained and competent in the use of the equipment being operated, and it may be that your employer is able to demonstrate this by some other means. However, formal accredited training and assessment is the most effective way to achieve this and you may also find it difficult to carry out work on a site if the applicable category is not stated on your card; this is because the categories system used by ALLMI is the Industry Standard and is referred to in BS7121 Part 4:2010.
Instructor, Thorough Examiner, Appointed Person and Crane Supervisor courses do not count towards Driver CPC hours.
Operator and Slinger / Signaller courses may count towards Driver CPC hours. However, it is important to check that the ALLMI Training Provider being used is DVSA approved for this purpose, and to make it clear at the booking stage that the course needs to be registered for Driver CPC.
The ALLMI Training Provider Directory contains a Driver CPC search filter to assist with this process.