"Every employer shall ensure that any of his employees who supervises or manages the use of work equipment has received adequate training for purposes of health and safety, including training in the methods which may be adopted when using the work equipment, any risks which such use may entail and precautions to be taken."
ALLMI has always encouraged companies to put their relevant managers through the Association’s various training schemes wherever possible. However, it is appreciated that some managers will not meet the entry criteria for the courses, or they might not be in a position to take time off from their day-to-day role for the full duration of the training. With this in mind, ALLMI has abbreviated each of its courses into one-day training sessions, which cover all of the same topics as the standard course and which also include an element of the practical training (with the exception of the Thorough Examiner and Appointed Person manager courses, which are theory only and delivered online).
All courses are attendance based (i.e. no assessments) and so do not lead to a qualification as such; however, the result is that the managers in question gain a much better understanding of the technical, legislative and operational issues relating to an area of the business for which they are responsible, whilst at the same time and in accordance with the requirements of PUWER, companies are able to demonstrate that they have further complied with the law.
Courses include:
- Lorry Loader Operator
- Slinger / Signaller
- Crane Supervisor
- Appointed Person
- Thorough Examinations & Load Testing