News Archive

2024 Milestones

2024 sees a series of milestones reached by ALLMI and the lorry loader industry.

ENA Partnership – 5 Years

In 2019, ALLMI established an ongoing partnership with the Energy Networks Association (ENA) to help promote its Look Out, Look Up! campaign.  Seeking to raise awareness of the risks involved with working near overhead power lines and educating stakeholders in adopting safe practices, Look Out, Look Up!’ is aimed primarily at lorry drivers, including operators of loader cranes.  In conjunction with applicable aspects of ALLMI’s training material and guidance documents, the campaign continues to play a key role in communicating this important message throughout the lorry loader and allied industries.  

ALLMI CoP – 5 Years

Whilst first published in 1982, 2019 also saw ALLMI launch its revised Code of Practice (CoP).  Representing a significant change to previous editions, the CoP contains the Statement of Commitment that the Association’s members sign up to, confirming they will work in accordance with applicable standards and legislation, manufacturer guidelines, ALLMI guidance documents and good practice; as well as verifying employee training and safety, and the highest levels of professionalism, honesty and integrity.  These are all guiding principles that have long formed the basis of ALLMI’s membership auditing system.  To download a copy, please click here.  To find an ALLMI member, please click here

ALLMI TV – 10 Years

10 years on from its launch in 2014, the popularity of ‘ALLMI TV’ continues to grow, with viewing statistics increasing year on year.  Providing guidance and advice on various aspects of lorry loader safe use, ALLMI’s range of videos cover the following topics:

  • Legislation & Standards
  • Lifting Team Hierarchy
  • Siting the Loader
  • Pre-Operational Checks
  • Safe Operation
  • Safe Use of Remote Controls
  • Swing-Up Stabiliser Safety
  • Safe Travel

Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC - 15 Years

2009 saw the enactment of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.  This led to a major revision of the European Loader Crane design Standard, EN 12999, and, most significantly, the compulsory introduction of stability monitoring systems for lorry loaders.

LOLER ACoP & MHSWR – 25 Years

A year after the implementation of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations, 1999 witnessed the publication of L113, the Approved Code of Practice and Guidance for LOLER.  Providing practical advice on how to comply with the regulations, the document makes multiple references to BS 7121 and has been influential in the production of subsequent British Standards, as well as ALLMI material.  The second edition of L113 was then published in 2014.

1999 also saw the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations published, requiring employers to undertake an assessment of the risks to health and safety of their employees, as well as others affected by their activity.   

BS 7121 Part 1 – 35 Years

It has been 35 years since the publication of ‘BS 7121-1:1989 Code of practice for safe use of cranes - Part 1: General’.  As the very first Standard in the BS 7121 series, it combined elements of existing British Codes of Practice for the safe use of cranes and provided the basis for some of the principles of LOLER nine years later.