CAP 1096 Postponed
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has recently published ‘CAP 1096 Guidance to Crane Operators on Aviation Lighting and Notification’. Underpinned by the UK Air Navigation Order, CAP 1096 places duties on crane users to mitigate the risk of collisions with aircraft and was originally due to come into force on 1st October this year.
Following this launch, ALLMI released Guidance Note ‘GN032 Implications of CAA Publication CAP 1096’, to assist the lorry loader industry with compliance. However, the Association was subsequently informed that CAP 1096 would have its implementation date delayed to 31st May 2021. The decision follows feedback from the lifting industry concerning the new requirements, as well as the CAA’s desire to implement new IT solutions relating to the notification process. Using the additional window, the CAA will also conduct a formalised trial to ensure the lifting industry is fully prepared for implementation, and that all common issues are known and addressed.
Should any stakeholders wish to take part in this trial, they should contact the CAA: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ALLMI’s Guidance Note on this subject will be updated as the situation evolves. In the meantime, readers are welcome to contact ALLMI for a complimentary copy in order to further familiarise themselves with this subject. The guidance is aimed at both installers / service companies and fleet owners, as well as those receiving goods, and its contents include:
- The legal framework and potential for enforcement
- When to notify the CAA / aerodromes of crane operations
- Whose duty it is to notify
- How to notify the CAA
- Contact with aerodromes
- Notifications for regular activities
- Notification responses and appeals
- Web tools and resources
Requirements of the New CAP 1096 All crane operations, regardless of location, should be notified in advance to the CAA if at any stage during the planned lift the highest point of the crane or load will exceed 10m above ground level (AGL) or the surrounding structures or trees (if higher). The CAA will then identify parties that may be affected by the crane (if any) and notify them accordingly. For lifts that exceed 10m AGL or the surrounding structures or trees (if higher) and there is less than five working days for notification, the crane user is required to contact all aerodromes that have perimeters within 18.5 km from the location of the crane, as well as the CAA. Note: the above requirements cover all types of crane operation and so include the raising of booms when carrying out repairs or thorough examinations. However, this type of activity can be addressed by a periodic, blanket approval for the site in question. |