BS EN 12999: 2020 - Published
BSI recently published the latest version of the European Standard for Loader Cranes, ‘BS EN 12999:2020 Cranes – Loader Cranes’. Being the first full revision of the Standard since 2011 (albeit with amendments made in 2012 and 2018), the new version comes with a wide range of changes.
ALLMI Technical Manager, Keith Silvester, comments “The new Standard is a vast improvement in terms of layout and graphics, and is a far more navigable document than its predecessors. Its scope has been amended, as have various definitions, and whilst there are no new safety system requirements, wording regarding the inadvertent use of remote controls has been bolstered. In addition, one of the most noticeable changes is a new, alternative procedure for conducting stability tests, which is based on working pressure.”
He continues “We’ve had significant input into the Standard’s development through our representation on CEN Technical Committee 147 WG18, and this has also put us in an excellent position to advise on the changes being introduced. As such, we have recently sent a full breakdown of the amendments to ALLMI members and accredited Thorough Examiners but would of course be happy to share this information with any interested parties.”
For further details of this issue, or to purchase a discounted copy of BS EN 12999:2020, please contact ALLMI.