Crane Supervisor & Appointed Person Course Updates
ALLMI has recently released comprehensive updates for both its Crane Supervisor and Appointed Person (AP) courses.
ALLMI Training & Project Officer, Jon Kenyon, comments “We have an incredibly thorough process for carrying out course updates such as these, with all changes being carefully checked against the applicable legislation, British Standards and NOS, to ensure that mapping requirements are further bolstered in that regard. For the Crane Supervisor training, amendments are wide-ranging, from changes made to the candidate entry criteria, assessment procedure and course documentation, through to various content topic updates including site induction and welfare, power lines and weather conditions. The course material has also benefited from a significant aesthetic update throughout, further enhancing its impact and effective delivery.
For the Appointed Person course, many of the Crane Supervisor content and style changes have been incorporated, but further amendments include a new practical site survey exercise, revisions to lift plan documentation and a range of new handouts concerning topics such as the sail effect of wind, Uniform Load Method, sling angle and mat size calculation, as well as guidance on further reading for those new to the AP role. We’ve also improved the assessment marking system, which will now give even more valuable feedback to the candidate and their employer, as well as guidance for future development.”
He continues “As with all of our courses, we’re very keen to receive industry feedback on these developments and so would encourage stakeholders to contact us, should they have any views or enquiries regarding the new material.”